[postgis-users] spheroid bounding box calculation
Stephen Woodbridge
woodbri at swoodbridge.com
Fri Jul 24 12:15:00 PDT 2009
Whooops, you are right. Change that query to be:
select * from poi_table
st_within(the_geom, st_expand(setsrid(makepoint(x,y),4326), radius))
order by st_distance(setsrid( makepoint(x,y),4326), the_geom) asc
limit n;
or to explicitly specify the index usage
select * from poi_table
st_expand(setsrid(makepoint(x,y),4326), radius) && the_geom
order by st_distance(setsrid( makepoint(x,y),4326), the_geom) asc
limit n;
I'm more familiar with the later example, but st_within() is faster in
some cases so you might want to compare performance of both of these.
steve enzer wrote:
> Stephen,
> It seems that st_within takes only two arguments, both geometries, not
> 3 as in your example -- did you mean another function? THANKS
> http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/db2luw/v9/index.jsp?topic=/com.ibm.db2.udb.spatial.doc/rsbp4158.html
> On Thu, Jul 23, 2009 at 1:17 PM, Stephen
> Woodbridge<woodbri at swoodbridge.com> wrote:
>> Oh, and the basic sql query would be:
>> select * from poi_table where st_within(setsrid(makepoint(x,y),4326),
>> the_geom, radius) order by st_distance(setsrid( makepoint(x,y),4326),
>> the_geom) asc limit n;
>> (x,y) == (lon, lat)
>> radius == is your initial search radius
>> n == is your limit on results
>> -Steve
>> Stephen Woodbridge wrote:
>>> steve enzer wrote:
>>>> I'm facing a similar issue; a huge postgis database with a point
>>>> column, trying to find a clean query to bring back the nearest n
>>>> results to a point. Why isn't that easy? Or is it?
>>> The problem is that the nearest n points is not well defined in spatial
>>> terms. For example think about the difference between rural Wyoming and
>>> downtown Manhattan!
>>> Typically to make a query fast you need to use and index and that means
>>> you need a bounding box that specifies your search distance. But the bbox
>>> that is good for Manhattan may be too small for Wyoming.
>>> One strategy is to search at a given small radius and see if you have
>>> enough results, if not double the search radius and redo the query. While
>>> this may seem costly, it is in fact very fast because postgresql is very
>>> good at caching results and pages in memory.
>>> Hope this helps,
>>> -Steve
>>>> I'm using georuby and spatial adapter.
>>>> Steve
>>>> On Thu, Jul 23, 2009 at 10:01 AM, Jeff Davis<pgsql at j-davis.com> wrote:
>>>>> On Thu, 2009-07-23 at 08:58 -0700, Paul Ramsey wrote:
>>>>>> Hopefully GEOGRAPHY will retire all these requirements once and for
>>>>>> all :)
>>>>> Is that something under development? I'm new to these lists, so I
>>>>> haven't been following.
>>>>> Regards,
>>>>> Jeff Davis
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