[postgis-users] ST_Intersects and NOT ST_Disjoint aren't equal?
Martin Davis
mbdavis at refractions.net
Thu Mar 26 12:50:39 PDT 2009
Ah, I see the problem. The polygon that you provide is not a valid
polygon (It only has 2 unique points, so really it's a line segment
masquerading as a polygon). The spatial predicates are only guaranteed
to work with valid geometries as input - they may give incorrect answers
if the input is invalid.
The reason ST_intersects works for all cases is that intersection can be
determined without requiring topological validity for most simple cases
(which this certainly is). I think PostGIS may contain optimizations
for ST_intersects which are not present for ST_disjoint (although they
should be....), and these are determining the correct answer.
So use ST_intersects!
Gerrit Hoven wrote:
> the query:
> select ST_AsEWKT(geom) from tbl_surface where
> ST_Disjoint(ST_GeomFromText('Polygon((0 0, 9999999 0, 9999999 9999999, 0
> 9999999, 0 0))'), geom)
> thinks that this polygon is outside of this box:
> POLYGON((3512977.796 5404487.019 280.571,3512967.71 5404472.11
> 280.571,3512967.71 5404472.11 243.831,3512977.796 5404487.019
> 243.831,3512977.796 5404487.019 280.571))
> Martin Davis schrieb:
>> Can you find a single geometry where NOT ST_Disjoint and
>> ST_Intersects are different? That will help in debugging this
>> behaviour.
>> Gerrit Hoven wrote:
>>> Hello Postgis Users
>>> I was wondering about the behavior of ST_Disjoint and ST_Intersects.
>>> My data is a 3D citymodel which is stored in "tbl_surface". There is
>>> the geometry column "geom".
>>> Normally I expect the same behavior of "WHERE ST_Intersects(...)"
>>> and "WHERE NOT ST_Disjoint(...)"
>>> But look what happens if I try to get everything inside a huge
>>> boundingbox:
>>> Query A:
>>> select geom from tbl_surface where
>>> ST_Intersects(ST_GeomFromText('Polygon((0 0, 9999999 0, 9999999
>>> 9999999, 0 9999999, 0 0))'), geom)
>>> returns 98524 rows, which I expect because this is all my data and
>>> the boundingbox covers them all
>>> Query B:
>>> select geom from tbl_surface where not
>>> ST_Disjoint(ST_GeomFromText('Polygon((0 0, 9999999 0, 9999999
>>> 9999999, 0 9999999, 0 0))'), geom)
>>> returns: 61895 rows (should be 98524 ???)
>>> Query C:
>>> select geom from tbl_surface where
>>> ST_Disjoint(ST_GeomFromText('Polygon((0 0, 9999999 0, 9999999
>>> 9999999, 0 9999999, 0 0))'), geom)
>>> returns: 36629 rows (should be 0 ???)
>>> All my geometries are polygons which have z-coordinates.
>>> There exist polygons (like walls), which when projecting them to the
>>> x-y plane, are only lines. I think this is a hint for the strange
>>> behavior of ST_Disjoint. Just look what the query results look like:
>>> This is all my data:
>>> This is everything inside the big box, using NOT ST_Disjoint. All
>>> the polygons that are not a line in 2D
>>> This is everything "outside" the big box, using ST_Disjoint. All the
>>> polygons that are lines in 2D
>>> Can anybody explain this to me? Or is it a bug.
>>> Regards,
>>> Gerrit
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Martin Davis
Senior Technical Architect
Refractions Research, Inc.
(250) 383-3022
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