[postgis-users] what if my table contain multipolygon

Randall, Eric ERandall at eriecountygov.org
Sun Oct 11 07:52:39 PDT 2009

Then maybe use ST_geometryn to get a single polygon such as
select generate_series(1, ST_npoints(geom)-1) as point_id , ST_pointn(ST_exteriorring(ST_geometryn(geom,1)),generate_series(1, ST_npoints(geom)-1)) as geom from polygontable

From: eehab hamzeh [mailto:eehab40 at hotmail.com]
Sent: Sunday, October 11, 2009 9:33 AM
To: Randall, Eric
Subject: what if my table contain multipolygon

thanks eric for your replay

What if my table contain multipolygon 
how can i adjust the sql statement

select generate_series(1, ST_npoints(geom)-1) as point_id , ST_pointn(ST_exteriorring(geom),generate_series(1, ST_npoints(geom)-1)) as geom from polygontable .

Kind regards


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