[postgis-users] polygon minimum width

Surya Tarigan surya.tarigan at yahoo.com
Wed Oct 14 02:43:45 PDT 2009

Dear Simon,

the previous SQL ((select row_number() over (order by the_geom) as rin) gave good result, meanwhile the second SQL ( (select ctid as rin, the_geom) still return '0' min_width.  But I still need to check my river polyline, because both min and max give exactly  the  same result, which it should not..

After I run :

select row_number() over (order by the_geom) as rin, the_geom
  from River r
  where r.Name = 'Barito';
it gave result something like :
rin, the_geom
1; -----(empty)---
could it be caused by empty the_geom in rin 1 and 2?
kind regards,

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