[postgis-users] Issue with installing PostGIS on CentOS 64 bit
Paragon Corporation
lr at pcorp.us
Fri Oct 16 03:53:41 PDT 2009
We are all set. Could have been something amiss in the GEOS 3.1.1 tar ball
we were installing from or the lack of the below additional things we ended
up installing.
We ended up just downloading from geos svn and installing the SVN version --
which required also to install subversion, libtool, aclocal etc. to even
build the configure script.
-----Original Message-----
From: postgis-users-bounces at postgis.refractions.net
[mailto:postgis-users-bounces at postgis.refractions.net] On Behalf Of Paragon
Sent: Friday, October 16, 2009 3:48 AM
To: 'PostGIS Users Discussion'
Subject: Re: [postgis-users] Issue with installing PostGIS on CentOS 64 bit
Forgot to mention version of PostgreSQL is
PostgreSQL 8.4.1
-----Original Message-----
From: postgis-users-bounces at postgis.refractions.net
[mailto:postgis-users-bounces at postgis.refractions.net] On Behalf Of Paragon
Sent: Friday, October 16, 2009 3:44 AM
To: 'PostGIS Users Discussion'
Subject: [postgis-users] Issue with installing PostGIS on CentOS 64 bit
We are having an issue installing PostGIS on a CentOS 64-bit box.
We are doing
PostGIS 1.3.6
GEOS 3.1.1
Proj 4.6.1
--- the ldd returns the below and running the lwpostgis.sql etc. doesn't
work since its complaining about the undefined symbols.
ldd -d /usr/lib64/pgsql/liblwgeom.so
libgeos_c.so.1 => /usr/lib64/libgeos_c.so.1 (0x00002b40f6a94000)
libproj.so.0 => /usr/lib64/libproj.so.0 (0x00002b40f6cb5000)
libc.so.6 => /lib64/libc.so.6 (0x00002b40f6ef6000)
libgeos-3.1.1.so => /usr/local/lib/libgeos-3.1.1.so
libgcc_s.so.1 => /lib64/libgcc_s.so.1 (0x00002b40f7715000)
libm.so.6 => /lib64/libm.so.6 (0x00002b40f7923000)
/lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2 (0x00002b40f6600000) undefined symbol:
undefined symbol: _ZTVN10__cxxabiv117__class_type_infoE
undefined symbol: __cxa_pure_virtual (/usr/local/lib/libgeos-3.1.1.so)
undefined symbol: _ZTISt9exception (/usr/local/lib/libgeos-3.1.1.so)
undefined symbol: _ZTVN10__cxxabiv119__pointer_type_infoE
undefined symbol: _ZTVN10__cxxabiv121__vmi_class_type_infoE
undefined symbol: _ZTVSt9exception (/usr/local/lib/libgeos-3.1.1.so)
undefined symbol: _ZSt4cerr (/usr/local/lib/libgeos-3.1.1.so)
undefined symbol: _ZSt4endlIcSt11char_traitsIcEERSt13basic_ostreamIT_T0_ES6_
undefined symbol: _ZTIPv (/usr/local/lib/libgeos-3.1.1.so)
undefined symbol: __gxx_personality_v0 (/usr/local/lib/libgeos-3.1.1.so)
undefined symbol: _ZTVN10__cxxabiv120__si_class_type_infoE
undefined symbol: _ZTISt9exception (/usr/lib64/libgeos_c.so.1)
undefined symbol: _ZTVN10__cxxabiv117__class_type_infoE
undefined symbol: _ZTVSt9exception (/usr/lib64/libgeos_c.so.1)
undefined symbol: _ZSt4cerr (/usr/lib64/libgeos_c.so.1)
undefined symbol: _ZSt4endlIcSt11char_traitsIcEERSt13basic_ostreamIT_T0_ES6_
undefined symbol: __gxx_personality_v0 (/usr/lib64/libgeos_c.so.1)
undefined symbol: SPI_tuptable (/usr/lib64/pgsql/liblwgeom.so) undefined
symbol: CurrentMemoryContext (/usr/lib64/pgsql/liblwgeom.so) undefined
symbol: my_exec_path (/usr/lib64/pgsql/liblwgeom.so)
undefined symbol: textout (/usr/lib64/pgsql/liblwgeom.so)
undefined symbol: SPI_processed (/usr/lib64/pgsql/liblwgeom.so) undefined
symbol: default_statistics_target
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