[postgis-users] Compiling postgis on OpenSolaris - postgresql as package

Angus Scown gus at sdx.com.au
Thu Oct 29 06:36:59 PDT 2009

From a couple of other threads I have picked up a few hints but no solution to 
compiling postgis on OpenSolaris.  It picks up the cc from the postgresql 
PGXS.  Since I installed postgresql from package rather than source I get an 
error relating to a missing location for cc, eg. /opt/SUNWspro.40/SS12/bin/cc: 
Command not found

So I set the CPP environment variable to /usr/sfw/bin/cpp   

The configure script is happy with the above (i.e. passes tests) but then the 
compile (make) does not.  

I note that the other resolution suggested is to compile postgresql from 
source.  I'm just wondering if I can assist in finding a resolution to this 
with others assistance or just go straight for compiling postgresql from 

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