[postgis-users] mechanix of a query

Pavel Iacovlev iacovlev.pavel at gmail.com
Sun Sep 20 00:47:07 PDT 2009

You can enable debug of Mapserver

You can configure PostgreSQL to log all your queries. Here is a tool
to analyze them and how to make PostgreSQL log them

Mapserver computes the current bbox view and sends the query to
PostGIS and then you get all the geometries that are inside that bbox.
Thats why you should create a GisT index to speed things up.

On Sun, Sep 20, 2009 at 7:15 AM, P Kishor <punk.kish at gmail.com> wrote:
> I am trying to understand the mechanics of a getfeatureinfo query. My
> setup is data in Pg/PostGIS, served by MapServer via WMS, with
> OpenLayers in the front. When I click on a map and send a
> GetFeatureInfo query, MapServer grabs the x,y sent in the URL, and,
> for the layer (also sent in the URL), finds the row in the table which
> contains the x,y of my click.
> How does MapServer do that?
> Does it run a Pg/PostGIS query for this?
> How can I find out the syntax of this query?
> If a GetFeatureInfo takes too long, what can I do to speed it up?
> --
> Puneet Kishor
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