[postgis-users] How to setup a versioned datastore?

Dominik Wiedner DominikWiedner at web.de
Wed Aug 4 00:46:46 PDT 2010


I also downloaded the extension and managed to install it within the 
target database. But when I attempt to enable the target-table, I get 
the following error:

HINWEIS: CREATE TABLE erstellt implizit eine Sequenz 
istory_history_id_seq« für die »serial«-Spalte 

public.Uberschwemmungsgebiete_history(history_id serial not 
null,date_added timestamp not null default now(),date_deleted
timestamp default null,last_operation varchar(30) not null,active_user 
varchar(90) not null default CURRENT_USER,current_version text not 
null,like public.Uberschwemmungsgebiete,CONSTRAINT 
Uberschwemmungsgebiete_history_pk primary key(history_id));«

PL/pgSQL function "postgis_enable_history" line 66 at EXECUTE-Anweisung
FEHLER: Relation »public.uberschwemmungsgebiete« existiert nicht <<<< 
This is the error I mean, since the table has the schema "public".
ZEILE 1: ...t CURRENT_USER,current_version text not null,like public.Ube...
ANFRAGE: CREATE TABLE public.Uberschwemmungsgebiete_history(history_id 
serial not null,date_added timestamp not null default now(),date_deleted 
timestamp default null,last_operation varchar(30) not null,active_user 
varchar(90) not null default CURRENT_USER,current_version text not 
null,like public.Uberschwemmungsgebiete,CONSTRAINT 
Uberschwemmungsgebiete_history_pk primary key(history_id));

KONTEXT: PL/pgSQL function "postgis_enable_history" line 66 at 

Any hints?


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