[postgis-users] KML: unix vs windows

Olivier Courtin olivier.courtin at oslandia.com
Mon Jan 18 09:37:15 PST 2010

On Jan 18, 2010, at 6:01 PM, Laurens Jansen wrote:


>> Do you have the ability to update on both plaforms  PostGIS
>> version to 1.5.0 branch, and check again ?
>> Unix:          <http://postgis.org/download/postgis-1.5.0b2.tar.gz>
>> Windows:  <http://postgis.refractions.net/download/windows/experimental.php 
>> >
> As for upgrading our Unix platform it will take me some more time
> cause i am working against one off the main test and developing
> machines and i don't want to upgrade the PostGIS libraries on that
> machine.

I've created a bug report #387 about this.

> The Windows machine Ive updated the PostGIS to the 1.5 branch
> SELECT postgis_full_version()
> "POSTGIS="1.5.0SVN" GEOS="3.2.0-CAPI-1.6.0" PROJ="Rel. 4.6.1, 21
> August 2008" LIBXML="2.7.6" USE_STATS"
> Unfortunately i still get the same result set:
> SELECT asKML(the_geom) FROM table WHERE gid = 1
> "<MultiGeometry>
>  <Polygon>
>    <outerBoundaryIs>
>      <LinearRing>
>      <coordinates>
>         4.891594203993788,52.338389215425934,0
>         4.891546655317309,52.338416489781068,0
>         etc etc"
> In the mean time the Windows 2008 PostgreSQL configuration with a
> PostGIS 1.3 version does indeed give back a better result set and a
> proper display of the KML-layers on the map; at least that gives us
> some alternatives for our client who seems to insist on a Windows
> hosting ....

As a workaround you could:

- Transform your data to EPSG:4326 with the ST_Transform function
    on you Unix box

- Create a shapefile from there (pgsql2shp)

- Import the shapefile on the Win32 box (shp2pgsql with -s 4326 option)

- Use ST_AsKML as before (but in this case no need for the function to  

> I will get back on the Unix PostGIS1.5 as soon as possible

Ok tks !


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