[postgis-users] Questions about using SRID not -1

ibrahim saricicek ibrahimsaricicek at gmail.com
Tue Jan 19 01:27:23 PST 2010


Your table include objects, more than one projection.. So if there is any
object in different projection you can't set your table projection to

can you try this!!

Create a new geometry column "the_geom_4326"

then run this

UPDATE  table_name SET the_geom_4326=transform(the_geom,4326),

then use ST_SetSRID for the new column...


On Mon, Jan 18, 2010 at 7:23 PM, Oscar Zamudio <cmntlk at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi everybody.
> I had no success with any of the recipes received here.
> Could it be that a table with data loaded without SRID explicit value has
> no chance of being updated later to the right one?
> Regards,
> Oscar
> On Sun, Jan 17, 2010 at 1:08 PM, Oscar Zamudio <cmntlk at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Ben,
>> I tried your intruction:
>> UPDATE mypoints SET the_geom = ST_SetSRID(the_geom,4326);
>> But I got:
>> ERROR:  Operation on two GEOMETRIES with different SRIDs
>> Regards,
>> Oscar
>> On Sat, Jan 16, 2010 at 10:48 PM, Ben Madin <
>> lists at remoteinformation.com.au> wrote:
>>> Oscar,
>>> you have a couple of options as I see it. In Postgres you could just
>>> update the geometries first.
>>> > UPDATE mytable SET the_geom = ST_SetSRID(the_geom,4326);
>>> And for next time, assuming your data originally had some sort of
>>> coordinate system (and it must have if it was spatial data), you can /
>>> should use the -s flag in shp2pgsql to provide 'SRID awareness'
>>> In your case, I would suggest -s 4326.
>>> ie (using -d to drop and replace existing table
>>> $ shp2pgsql -s 4326 -d myshapefile myoldtablename | psql mydatabase
>>> In geometry terms, I think it is unlikely that your data was stored
>>> (spatially) as sexagesimal degrees, although it may be displayed as such in
>>> your GIS.
>>> cheers
>>> Ben
>>> On 17/01/2010, at 2:54 , Oscar Zamudio wrote:
>>> > Hi,
>>> > I'm have problems to transform my spatial data to UTM. First, this
>>> instruction works OK:
>>> >
>>> > SELECT ST_Transform(ST_GeomFromText('POINT(0.0 20)',4326),22171) from
>>> mypoints
>>> >
>>> > No matter if such a sentence has no meaning on what I tryin to do.  But
>>> when I did the same with my own points:
>>> >
>>> > SELECT ST_Transform(mypoints.the_geom,22171) from mypoints
>>> >
>>> > I get the following error:
>>> > ERROR: Input geometry has unknown (-1) SRID
>>> > SQL state: XX000
>>> >
>>> > Ok, when I insert my points in my spatial enabled database I used:
>>> >
>>> > INSERT INTO mydistance ( the_geom, the_name ) VALUES (
>>> ST_GeomFromText('POINT(-58.0 0.0)'), 'Punto 1-1');
>>> >
>>> > without no spatial reference system explicit so I guess the SRID is set
>>> to "unknown" i.e. -1.  Then naively I created a new column named srid for my
>>> table and put the right value of SRID for all my data which is 4326 (WGS84,
>>> sexagesimal degrees lat lon) in that column but still I get the same error.
>>> After that I created a constraint between this new srid column and the srid
>>> column from the spatial_ref_sys table but nothing happened, the error is
>>> still there.
>>> > It's important to me to solve this issue because all my spatial data
>>> was loaded from shapefiles without SRID awareness so they don't have any
>>> SRID column. I don't want to reload data changing this so I need a method to
>>> alter the tables in such a way to add this new srid column to them that is
>>> well related to the spatial context.
>>> > Thanks and regards,
>>> > Oscar
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