[postgis-users] polygon to line segments

ju julien.guilloux at ecrins-parcnational.fr
Mon Mar 1 10:48:40 PST 2010

hi list,

i have a polygon table with a id poly

i would like to obtain a line table with each record = each segment of 
the polygon

i don't really understand if i need to use collection, dump etc...
i first need to build a point collection ? and then build all segment ?


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From: ju <julien.guilloux at ecrins-parcnational.fr>
Subject: poly to line
Date: Mon, 01 Mar 2010 19:37:01 +0100
Size: 1809
URL: <http://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/postgis-users/attachments/20100301/118576c5/attachment.eml>

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