[postgis-users] Db connect

Ben Madin lists at remoteinformation.com.au
Tue Mar 2 23:28:51 PST 2010


On 03/03/2010, at 14:45 , Ravi wrote:

> no error is given from the browser, but it just displays
> $db_handle = pg_connect(”host = localhost port = 5432 dbname = postgis user = postgres password = GrassJump”); $query = “SELECT * FROM rjybound”; $result = pgexec($dbhandle, $query);

If you are just getting that output it makes me wonder does your script start with <?php and end with ?>... ie 


$db_handle = pg_connect(”host = localhost port = 5432 dbname = postgis user = postgres password = GrassJump”);

$query = “SELECT * FROM rjybound”; 

$result = pgexec($dbhandle, $query);




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