[postgis-users] Windows server 2008 R2

Linnet Kwamboka scientific1quash at gmail.com
Fri Mar 19 04:42:13 PDT 2010

i dont think it works with the new versions of windows, i had the same
problems but once i downgraded to Windows xp, it works perfect.

On Fri, Mar 19, 2010 at 4:35 AM, Prestige Makanga <ptmakanga at gmail.com>wrote:

> Does the PostgreSQL server installation work on the new windows server 2008
> R2? I have just installed no accounts were created. If it does then I can re
> think what the problem might be.
> Regards
> Prestige
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With regards,
Linnet Kwamboka

site: geekmates.ning.com
blog: one-kenya.blogspot.com
facebook: mckenzie quamboka
skype: geekmate
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