[postgis-users] export polygon to shapefile problem

Thomas Kouk thomaskouk at yahoo.gr
Wed Nov 17 03:56:54 PST 2010

Thanks Helen,
I've been trying to make it work. I don't have ogr2ogr.exe somewhere in 
PostgreSQL folder. The only place where I have ogr2ogr.exe is in FWTools folder, 
(other ones in OSGeo4W do not work, dll problems).
So I try this:

C:\Program Files\FWTools2.4.7\bin> ogr2ogr -a srs EPSG:27700 -f "ESRI Shapefile" 
file.shp PG:"dbname=postgis host=localhost user=postgres password=postgres" 
-sql "SELECT AsBinary(the_geom) as wkb_geometry FROM W_TQ2575_Buffer"
After this I do not get any error message, but I get the ogr2ogr usage 
information (as if something I typed is wrong) and the file.shp is not created 
(cannot be found anywhere).
Any help?

From: Helen San Segundo Navazo <hsansegundo at meteo.cat>
To: PostGIS Users Discussion <postgis-users at postgis.refractions.net>
Sent: Wed, November 17, 2010 9:29:15 AM
Subject: Re: [postgis-users] export polygon to shapefile problem

Hi Thomas,

I use the next expression to export data automatically in an script from a table 
with polygons into a shape file:

ogr2ogr -a_srs EPSG:23031 -f "ESRI Shapefile" file.shp PG:"dbname=db_name 
host=the_host user=the_user password=the_password" -sql "SELECT 
AsBinary(the_geometry_column) as wkb_geometry, column2,column3,column4 etc. FROM 
table where conditions"

I hope this will help you,

Thomas Kouk escribió:
> Hi all,
> I am newbie in PostGIS and I have a problem exporting a polygon table in shp. I 
>want to export specific spatial tables from by database using a batch procedure 
>(bat file). The command I use is:
> pgsql2shp -P [password] -f [shapefile path & name] postgis [tablename], for 
>example: pgsql2shp -P postgres -f Data\Buffers\ Buffer.shp postgis buffer_table
> It works fine with all other spatial tables (linestring or multilinestring 
>type). For polygons it also seems to work, as I get no error message:
> / Initializing... Done (postgis major version: 1)./
> / Output shape: Polygon/
> / Dumping: XX [1 rows]./
> However, when I try to load the polygon shp in Qgis or ArcGIS I get an error: 
>ArcGIS cannot open the file, while QGIS loads the shp but displays nothing (as 
>if the table is empty, which is not the case).
> All my tables are spatial tables with no information on geometry_columns table, 
>but even if I add the polygon table in the geometry_columns, nothing changes. 
>After all, the function works with all other spatial non polygon tables despite 
>the fact that geometry_columns holds no information on them, so this is not the 
> I can load the postgis polygon table in qgis and export it manually to a shp, 
>which works fine, but I need to do it in an automatic way using a command.
> Has anyone come to this problem or is there something I do not know about 
>exporting polygon tables to shp?
> Thanks.
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Helen San Segundo Navazo

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