[postgis-users] unioning a buffer - bug?
quimby5 at yahoo.com
Tue Sep 14 06:03:55 PDT 2010
Hi Kevin,
I assumed I have no results because when I load one of the working queries as a
view (eg. select st_buffer(the_geom,0.1)) in QGIS, or in ArcGIS, I see all my
results as I would expect, but when I modify the query to st_union(st_buffer()),
all my parcels disappear and I have a blank canvas.
Also, with st_isvalid(st_union(st_buffer(the_geom,0.1))) returning null (neither
t nor f) I guess I just assumed. Anyways, results for your suggestions are
inline, below.
Thanks for your help. Any further ideas?
From: Kevin Neufeld <kneufeld at refractions.net>
To: postgis-users at postgis.refractions.net
Sent: Tue, September 14, 2010 12:12:46 AM
Subject: Re: [postgis-users] unioning a buffer - bug?
How are you determining you have no results?
SELECT st_union(st_buffer(the_geom,0.1)) as the_geom
FROM base.current_assessment_parcel;
NOTICE: TopologyException: found non-noded intersection between 586714
4.95189e+006, 586714 4.95189e+006 and 586714 4.95189e+006, 586739 4.9519e+006
586714 4.95189e+006
Query returned successfully with no result in 1078 ms.
SELECT count(*) FROM results;
SELECT ST_Summary(the_geom) FROM results;
This returns blank.
-- Kevin
On 9/13/2010 7:07 AM, Lee wrote:
So after some googling I see similar problems, but no solutions posted.
>I am trying to union a buffer, but the query is returning no results. Here is
>ultimately what I would like to achieve:
>select st_union(st_buffer(the_geom,0.1)) as the_geom from
>Here are some troubleshooting steps I have taken to try narrow it down:
>select st_isvalid(the_geom) a from base.current_assessment_parcel group by a
>select st_isvalid(st_buffer(the_geom,0.1)) a from base.current_assessment_parcel
>group by a
>select st_isvalid(st_union(the_geom)) from base.current_assessment_parcel
>select st_isvalid(st_union(st_buffer(the_geom,0.1))) from
>NOTICE: TopologyException: found non-noded intersection between 586714
>4.95189e+006, 586714 4.95189e+006 and 586714 4.95189e+006, 586739 4.9519e+006
>586714 4.95189e+006
>Total query runtime: 859 ms.
>1 row retrieved.
>(returns blank record)
> And just for fun
>select st_isvalid(st_buffer(st_union(the_geom),0.1)) a from
>I guess my next step would be to try the snap to grid functions, but the first
>query above should work, shouldn't it?
>Any help appreciated. Thanks.
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