[postgis-users] PSC Vote to officially drop support for PostgreSQL 8.3 in PostGIS 2.0

aperi2007 aperi2007 at gmail.com
Fri Apr 22 00:17:31 PDT 2011


I like give my 2ct about this question.

As readeble to this link:

Between pg 8.3 and pg 8.4 there is 20% code increasing
It is the 2nd biggest increase of code compare to all other version.

Even the PG9.1 platform has less increase of code.
(This is a surprise for me because I see many interesting news in PG 9.0 
/ PG9.1)

the difference between 9.1 and 8.4 is 130.000 code line
meanwhile between 8.4 and 8.3 are 170.000


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