[postgis-users] Proper usage of Schema's

aperi2007 aperi2007 at gmail.com
Mon Aug 15 03:42:01 PDT 2011


The esri world work always in an unique DB schema.
So a single "dataset" is a group of tables in the same schema of the 
other datasets.

I don't understand why you need to use distinct schemas to separate they.

However I think you could do it.

You must install postgis in the "public" schema but
of course you can create and insert gis data in other schemas
setting correctly the search_path and the grants.

So I guess you could create a schema
"hydrography" and a schema "roads" and a schema "boundaries".
And (i guess) you could define some relational foreign key between
a table in the hydrography schema and a table in the boundaries schema.

AFAIK I don't know if this is a correct mimic for esri world, more again 
I don't know if esri allow to define a foreign constraint between two 
distinct datasets, but I guess this is a good use for the schemas in a 
postgres+postgis DB.


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