[postgis-users] where 2.98023223876953e-08 comes from ?

karpi.lists at email.cz karpi.lists at email.cz
Wed Aug 17 05:51:54 PDT 2011

Hello, me again ,)
A little better formulation of my question:
How is possible, that this totally different polygons has exactly "the same" area:






There is no problem about this, I would like only understand and avoid this in the future. Is there some reading about internal postgis manipulations, which explain that issue, plz? Thanks for any response,

> ------------ Původní zpráva ------------
> Od:  <karpi.lists at email.cz>
> Předmět: [postgis-users] where 2.98023223876953e-08 comes from ?
> Datum: 13.8.2011 21:27:13
> ----------------------------------------
> Hello postgisers,
> I'm fighting with points lying (more exactly not lying) on lines. There is some
> entities imported from cad project, which makes microscopic slivers and gaps..
> But only two kinds of area appeas:
> Zero areas like this:
> '01030000201108000001000000040000009A9999992FF924C17B14AE47782930C114AE476118F924C1AE47E17A6C2930C1E12088471CF924C188962C766E2930C19A9999992FF924C17B14AE47782930C1'
> and not zero areas like this:
> '0103000020110800000100000004000000E17A14AE84FA24C1B81E85EBE32830C148E17A149DFA24C17B14AE47ED2830C1B46E579F88FA24C15DE9AD6EE52830C1E17A14AE84FA24C1B81E85EBE32830C1'
> The not zero area is in most of cases exactly 2.98023223876953e-08. Why right
> this number? Do you someone know why just this area? I'm only curious..
>                                                                thx, pk
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