[postgis-users] ST_Equals with different geometry types

Jose Carlos Martínez Llario jomarlla at cgf.upv.es
Thu Aug 25 09:58:17 PDT 2011

Dear PostGIS list,
According to the OGC/SQL-MM in both standards this query should return 
true. JTS does.
I guess its because the geometry types are different but it shouldnt matter.
Its a bug or it is the expected behavior?

Im running:
  POSTGIS="2.0.0SVN" GEOS="3.3.1dev-CAPI-1.7.1" PROJ="Rel. 4.6.1, 21 
August 2008" LIBXML="2.7.8" USE_STATS

test2=# SELECT st_equals(wkta, wktb) as relateab,
test2-#        st_relate(wktb, wkta) as relateba
test2-#         from (select
test2(#             'LINESTRING (0 0, 10 0)'::text as wkta,
test2(#             'MULTILINESTRING ((10 0, 5 0),(0 0, 5 0))'::text as wktb
test2(#         ) as mitabla;
  relateab | relateba
  f        | 1FFF0FFF2

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