[postgis-users] PostGIS Raster efficient enough to get height given coords from a large DEM?
Stefan Keller
sfkeller at gmail.com
Sat Dec 3 19:16:28 PST 2011
Hi Bborie
Many thanks for your response.
To summarize: My goal is to get the height (in meters) given an
arbitrary lat/lon coordinate from the latest free digital elevation
model (like mentioned here
The approach using PostGIS to access raster data is
1st. to convert an ASCII GRID text file (an ESRI format) to GeoTIFF
(not tiled nor "pyramide"-ized).
Then (2nd) to load it into PostGIS, like described here
http://trac.osgeo.org/postgis/wiki/WKTRasterTutorial01 .
I still have some basic questions about this interesting approach:
Regarding my question of "rules of thumb" in order to set the tile
size you answered:
> Generally speaking, the smaller the tile size, the faster the operation. In
> my testing of my rasters, 200x200 is slower than 100x100 which is slower
> than 50x50. The smaller tile size results in more rows in the table BUT the
> performance dramatically increases. I can't remember of the top of my head
> but the performance gain was linear or better.
Thats a good hint.
Q1: But are there no calculcation rules on how to estimate an ideal
absolute size (in pixels)?
Regarding a query given lat/lon you proposed:
> Assuming you test to see what the ideal (or "good-enough") tile size
> is for the elevation rasterset, you should see good performance using
> ST_Value(rast, ST_SetSRID(ST_MakePoint(long, lat), srid))
> You could eliminate the ST_SetSRID and ST_MakePoint by passing a
> correct EWKT instead
> ST_Value(rast, 'YOUREWKT'::geometry)
Q2: Given the raster has a resolution (grid) of - say at best - 30m,
does this function really interpolate, given the input is an arbitrary
coordinate (I can't find a hint to that in the docs
Q3: If yes, I assume its linear. How could I proceed to get a result
using non-linear interpolation (like Kriging)?
Yours, Stefan
2011/12/2 Bborie Park <bkpark at ucdavis.edu>:
> On 12/02/2011 11:17 AM, Stefan Keller wrote:
>> Hi Bborie
>> 2011/12/2 Bborie Park wrote:
>>> The question of tile size comes because the serialized raster data is
>>> stored in TOAST, which may compress the data.
>> Good point.
>> I know that a heap table is 8kb (unless changed in postgresql.conf)
>> and I assume that one wants to avoid that tuples have to use TOAST.
>> Are there any rules of thumb on how to estimate the tile size (in bytes)?
>> Yours, Stefan
> Well, it basically boils down to "the bigger the tile size, the slower the
> detoasting". The problem with trying to keep things under 8KB is that if
> you have a multi-band raster where there are more than one pixel type,
> things get very ugly quickly.
> Generally speaking, the smaller the tile size, the faster the operation. In
> my testing of my rasters, 200x200 is slower than 100x100 which is slower
> than 50x50. The smaller tile size results in more rows in the table BUT the
> performance dramatically increases. I can't remember of the top of my head
> but the performance gain was linear or better.
> -bborie
> --
> Bborie Park
> Programmer
> Center for Vectorborne Diseases
> UC Davis
> 530-752-8380
> bkpark at ucdavis.edu
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