[postgis-users] spatial distribution maps (heat maps?)

Phil James borntopedal at yahoo.co.uk
Tue Dec 6 00:10:38 PST 2011

Sorry there was an error in that code it should be:

import rpy2.robjects as robjects
import sys
#Create R stuff and load libraries
R = robjects.rs
R("drv <- dbDriver('PostgreSQL')")
R("con <- dbConnect(drv, dbname='progsci', user='postgres')")
R("rs <- dbSendQuery(con, 'SELECT * FROM crimes WHERE crimetype='Burglary')")
R("data <- fetch(rs, n=-1)")
R("coordinates(data) <- ~x+y")
R("x.range <- as.integer(range(e at coords[,1]))")
R("y.range <- as.integer(range(e at coords[,2]))")
R("grd <- expand.grid(x=seq(from=x.range[1], to=x.range[2], bx=25), y=seq(from=y.range[1], to=y.range[2], by=25))")
R("coordinates(grd) <- ~x+y")
R("gridded(grd) <- TRUE")
R("idw.out <- idw(value~1, e, grd, idp=2.5)")
spplottext = "spplot(idw.out, \"var1.pred\", col.regions=topo.colors(20), pretty=TRUE)"
res = R(spplottext)

> From: Phil James <borntopedal at yahoo.co.uk>
>To: PostGIS Users Discussion <postgis-users at postgis.refractions.net> 
>Sent: Tuesday, 6 December 2011, 7:58
>Subject: Re: [postgis-users] spatial distribution maps (heat maps?)
>I would use something that is designed to do this analysis - R would be an obvious choice but there are others - using Python you can connect to Postgis to grab the data and then rpy to run R commands from python - we have used this configuration successfully using Django and it works fast enough for the web generating an image - this could of course be optimised to cache outputs if performance is an issue.
>A synopsis of spatial functions in R is shown below:
>Some sample code to run IDW below (just a hack but you get the idea).
>import rpy2.robjects as robjects
>import sys
>#Create R stuff and load libraries
>R = robjects.r
>R("drv <- dbDriver('PostgreSQL')")
>R("con <- dbConnect(drv, dbname='geoprocessing', user='postgres')")
>R("rs <- dbSendQuery(con, 'SELECT x, y, value FROM randompts')")
>R("na <- fetch(rs, n=-1)")
>R("e <- na.omit(na)")
>R("coordinates(e) <- ~x+y")
>R("x.range <- as.integer(range(e at coords[,1]))")
>R("y.range <- as.integer(range(e at coords[,2]))")
>R("grd <- expand.grid(x=seq(from=x.range[1], to=x.range[2], bx=25), y=seq(from=y.range[1], to=y.range[2], by=25))")
>R("coordinates(grd) <- ~x+y")
>R("gridded(grd) <- TRUE")
>R("idw.out <- idw(value~1, e, grd, idp=2.5)")
>spplottext = "spplot(idw.out, \"var1.pred\", col.regions=topo.colors(20), pretty=TRUE)"
>res = R(spplottext)
>I am sure there are other solutions along the same lines.
>> From: Puneet Kishor <punk.kish at gmail.com>
>>To: PostGIS Users Discussion <postgis-users at postgis.refractions.net> 
>>Sent: Tuesday, 6 December 2011, 1:54
>>Subject: Re: [postgis-users] spatial distribution maps (heat maps?)
>>Thanks for your reply.
>>On Dec 5, 2011, at 6:52 PM, Stephen Woodbridge wrote:
>>> On 12/5/2011 6:45 PM, Puneet Kishor wrote:
>>>> I am looking to create some heatmap-ish or DEM-ish spatial
>>>> distribution visualizations. Any suggestions on how to go about doing
>>>> so given a lon-lat containing
 geom column in PostGIS?
>>> ..
>>> Create an empty raster. Then select your points and for each points and for each one "add" the sample dot centered on your location to to the raster. By "add", I mean you need to add the value of the pixels in the dot to the pixels in the raster. So raster=1 + dot=3 => raster=4 and limit it at maximum saturation. This should work for multiple channels also. This should give you a heat map.
>>Reading the above made me realize that I should have rephrased my question -- I don't want to create images on the server side. I realize now that what I really want to do is to do spatial clustering on the server side and then send the data to the browser. I wrote my own very naive clustering routine in Perl, and also tried Algorithm::KMeans [1]. This kind of analysis allows me to create a summary of my data that I can then plot on the client (see image at [2]).
>>Of course, my
 algorithm is way too naive, and waaaaay too slow, although I *can* compute the summary and cache it using Storable.
>>So, here is my rephrased question -- I am looking to do spatial clustering on my Pg data. The added complication is that I do not have access to WKTRaster.
>>[1] http://search.cpan.org/~avikak/Algorithm-KMeans-1.30/lib/Algorithm/KMeans.pm
>>[2] http://dl.dropbox.com/u/3526821/occurrences.png
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