[postgis-users] Parcel polygons to address points

Dan Putler dan.putler at sauder.ubc.ca
Mon Dec 12 12:56:26 PST 2011

Hi all,

This is more a cartography question than a PostGIS question, but this 
seems like the right list to ask on. I've got parcel data from several 
counties that are in US state plane feet projections and I want to 
create address points that are in NAD83 geographic coordinates. There 
are three possible answers about how to proceed: (A) get the centroids 
from the US state plane feet parcels, and then re-project the centroids 
to NAD83 geographic cooridnatesa; (B) re-project the parcels to the 
NAD83 geographic projection and then get the centroids of the 
re-projected parcels; or (C) pick one since the locational differences 
between the two approaches will amount to rounding error. My best guess 
is that (C) is the correct answer, but I want to use the approach in (A) 
for reasons of computational efficiency.


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