[postgis-users] How to update your SVN copy of PostGIS

Sandro Santilli strk at keybit.net
Tue Dec 13 02:03:44 PST 2011

On Sat, Dec 10, 2011 at 04:46:26PM -0600, Aren Cambre wrote:

> The script's first gripe was that the *spatial_ref_sys* table already
> exists. Shouldn't it automatically kill and reload that table? Is that a
> bug?

Was a bug, now fixed: http://trac.osgeo.org/postgis/ticket/1365
No, isn't supposed to kill and reload the table as you may have
your custom SRIDs in there.

I'm thinking maybe we should split that table into a core and custom
tables and turn spatial_ref_sys into a view. Should make upgrades


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