[postgis-users] Tigerdata for AZ, AS and VI

Stephen Woodbridge woodbri at swoodbridge.com
Tue Dec 13 18:25:54 PST 2011

On 12/13/2011 8:33 PM, Greg Williamson wrote:
> Have you run "analyze" recently on this table ? (since the last index
> build or the last major change in data)
> The work_mem setting is fairly meaningless for this -- it applies
> when building indexes and the like; sort_mem controls how much RAM
> the system will try to use before it starts using disk; you might try
> tinkering with that unless it is already large (but remember that
> each sort in a query uses this much RAM so too aggressive a setting
> is bad).

What is:
   shared_buffers = ...
set to? this is the one that needs to be set. You should google: 
"postgresql tuning" and read how to set the postgresql.conf file. You 
may also need to change your kernel parameters as you increase the 

setting work_mem to a large value will not help much. You need to read 
what each of the parameters do and then set them appropriately.


> HTH,
> Greg W.
>> ________________________________ From: Ravi
>> Ada<raviada at dobeyond.com> To: Andy Colson<andy at squeakycode.net>;
>> PostGIS Users Discussion<postgis-users at postgis.refractions.net>
>> Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2011 3:28 PM Subject: Re:
>> [postgis-users] Tigerdata for AZ, AS and VI
>> Andy, Here is the explain analyze  output. "Limit
>> (cost=0.00..14.10 rows=100 width=73) (actual
> time=4824.392..98929.180
>> rows=100
> loops=1)"
>> "  ->    Index Scan using geo_biz_addr_zip_idx on geo_biz_addr
> ag
>> (cost=0.00..219048.99 rows=1553779 width=73) (actual
> time=4824.381..98925.304
>> rows=100
> loops=1)"
>> "        Filter: (rating IS
> NULL)"
>> "Total runtime: 98930.371
> ms"
>> Here is the output for the query without ORDER BY zip. "Limit
>> (cost=0.00..7.06 rows=100 width=73) (actual
> time=63022.583..279475.286
>> rows=100
> loops=1)"
>> "  ->    Seq Scan on geo_biz_addr ag  (cost=0.00..109741.62
> rows=1553779
>> width=73) (actual time=63022.571..279474.529 rows=100
> loops=1)"
>> "        Filter: (rating IS
> NULL)"
>> "Total runtime: 279475.678
> ms"
>> Surprisingly it took longer without the where clause, that may be
>> because the
> addresses are scattered around all the states or cities. but in any
> case, 100 to 300 secs to
> geocode 100 addresses is too long. I got the work_mem to set to 4GB
> in postgresql.conf.
>> Thanks Ravi Ada On Tue, 13 Dec 2011 14:31:34 -0600, Andy Colson
> wrote
>>> And instead of running the update, try
> running:
>>> explain
> analyze
> ag.id,
>>> (geocode(ag.address1||','||ag.city||','||ag.state||','||ag.zip))
>>> As
> geo
>>> FROM qliq.geo_biz_addr As
> ag
>>> WHERE ag.rating IS
> zip
> 100
>>> Also, the order by zip, combined with the limit, means it has to
>>> pull every record, then sort by zip, then pull the first 100.
>>> If you can drop one or the other it would run
> faster.
> -Andy
>>> On 12/13/2011 12:37 PM, Greg Williamson
> wrote:
>>>> Ravi

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