[postgis-users] multipolygom
Marcel Kroschel
marcel.kroschel at kaufda.de
Tue Feb 8 03:29:18 PST 2011
hi @all.
Hope someone can help me ;)
I uses postgis 1.5.2., create a table with with multipolygon and lng/lat coordinates called zip_polygon
SELECT AddGeometryColumn ( 'zip_polygon', 'geom', 4326, 'MULTIPOLYGON', 2 );
When ich want all polygons in distance i use this query:
FROM zip_polygon
WHERE ST_DWithin(geom, ST_GeomFromText('POINT(13.171982 52.52646)', 4326), 0.02);
But the manual say, that the last entry is the distance in meter. When i replace the 0.02 to the value 1, then i get the whole list.
example of geom - entry (SELECT (ST_AsText(geom)) from zip_polygon zp):
"MULTIPOLYGON(((13.69375 50.82966,13.69252 50.83034,13.68925 50.83206,13.68766 50.83374,13.68639 50.83576,13.68399 50.83782,13.68235 50.8386,13.72514 50.81991)))"
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