[postgis-users] ST_Value from Polygon

Andreas Forø Tollefsen andreasft at gmail.com
Thu Feb 24 05:32:34 PST 2011

I am a bit unsure whether my results are actually correct. According to a
total count using the below query, I get very different results between the
Since the raster does actually cover the whole vector cell, i would assume
that the count should be similar in all cells. Meaning, the pixel count
should be the same.
What i get is different, and it seems that the query is not providing me
with the number of pixels within the grid cell.
Any idea why this is so different?

SELECT gid, count((foo.geomval).val) as ct
FROM (SELECT globshort.rid, priogrid_land.cell, priogrid_land.gid,
ST_Intersection(globshort.rast, priogrid_land.cell) AS geomval FROM
globshort, priogrid_land) AS foo
WHERE gid >= 139358 AND gid <= 139365


The attached image shows the raster pixels within one cell.

2011/2/24 Andreas Forø Tollefsen <andreasft at gmail.com>

> Thanks!
> That solved it.
> This will probably take a lot of time. I have 259200 polygons measuring 0.5
> x 0.5 decimal degrees while the raster dataset is of global cover and has a
> pixelsize of 0.00277777777777778x0.00277777777777778.
> Andreas
> 2011/2/23 Paragon Corporation <lr at pcorp.us>
>>  Andrea,
>> Try
>> SELECT DISTINCT ON(gid) gid, (foo.geomval).val, COUNT((foo.geomval).val)
>> AS ct
>>  FROM (SELECT globshort.rid, priogrid_land.cell, priogrid_land.gid,
>> ST_Intersection(globshort.rast, priogrid_land.cell) AS geomval FROM
>> globshort, priogrid_land) AS foo
>> WHERE gid > 151000 AND gid < 151010
>> GROUP BY gid, (foo.geomval).val
>> ORDER BY gid, ct DESC
>>  ------------------------------
>> *From:* postgis-users-bounces at postgis.refractions.net [mailto:
>> postgis-users-bounces at postgis.refractions.net] *On Behalf Of *Andreas
>> Forø Tollefsen
>> *Sent:* Wednesday, February 23, 2011 4:05 AM
>> *To:* PostGIS Users Discussion
>> *Subject:* Re: [postgis-users] ST_Value from Polygon
>> Hi. Thanks Regina and Leo,
>> I have been testing the raster and geom intersection a bit. I guess what i
>> need is to use the ST_Intersection together with a max(count) function.
>> So my result will be the rastervalue with the highest count within each of
>> the grid cells.
>> However, as far as i know, there is now Max(COUNT) function in postgresql.
>> Any idea how i can modify the below query to only return the rastervalue
>> within the grid cell occuring most frequently?
>> Consequently i want only one row for each gid, and the maximum occuring
>> rastervalue.
>>  SELECT gid, (foo.geomval).val, COUNT((foo.geomval).val) AS ct
>> FROM (SELECT globshort.rid, priogrid_land.cell, priogrid_land.gid,
>> ST_Intersection(globshort.rast, priogrid_land.cell) AS geomval FROM
>> globshort, priogrid_land) AS foo
>> WHERE gid > 151000 AND gid < 151010
>> GROUP BY gid, (foo.geomval).val;
>> gid; val; ct
>>  151001;14;381
>> 151001;150;9
>> 151001;50;7
>> 151001;140;91
>> 151001;40;1
>> 151001;70;2
>> 151001;130;4
>> 151001;200;48
>> 151001;100;3
>> 151001;;0
>> 151001;190;1
>> 151001;20;203
>> 151001;11;111
>> 151001;210;16
>> 151001;30;105
>> 2011/2/23 Paragon Corporation <lr at pcorp.us>
>>>  Have you looked at ST_Intersection.  I'm not sure how large your grids
>>> are so might still be a bit too slow.
>>> http://www.postgis.org/documentation/manual-svn/RT_ST_Intersection.html
>>> Below is a link to our slides from our North Carolina GIS meeting that
>>> may answer some of your questions (shows some Raster examples) as well as
>>> the 3D ones people have asked.
>>> http://www.postgis.us/presentations
>>> Hope that helps,
>>> Regina and Leo
>>>  ------------------------------
>>> *From:* postgis-users-bounces at postgis.refractions.net [mailto:
>>> postgis-users-bounces at postgis.refractions.net] *On Behalf Of *Andreas
>>> Forø Tollefsen
>>> *Sent:* Tuesday, February 22, 2011 4:28 AM
>>> *To:* PostGIS Users Discussion
>>> *Subject:* [postgis-users] ST_Value from Polygon
>>>   Hi all,
>>> I am working with a large raster dataset that i want to aggregate into
>>> vector grids.
>>> The raster dataset is a landcover dataset, and i want to find which of
>>> the raster values are the most dominant within each of the vector grid
>>> cells.
>>> I have been looking at the ST_Value function, but this is not usable
>>> together with the cell polygon.
>>> I have written a script that gives me the raster value of the centroid of
>>> each cell, but i want to find which raster class is the largest.
>>> Hence i need to calculate the area of each raster class within each cell
>>> and select the largest class.
>>> Any idea? So far i have only come this far:
>>>  DROP TABLE IF EXISTS globshortpoly;
>>> SELECT priogrid_land.cell, ST_Value(rast, ST_Centroid(cell))
>>> INTO globshortpoly
>>> FROM priogrid_land, globshort
>>> WHERE rast && priogrid_land.cell
>>> LIMIT 1000
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