[postgis-users] Coverages and PostGIS wiki page

Bryce L Nordgren bnordgren at fs.fed.us
Thu Jul 21 17:07:49 PDT 2011

I just wrote a little deal which tries to tease out differences and 
similarities between raster/vector types using "coverage" concepts. I 
tried to be nontechnical. There's a pictorial "concept map" at the 
beginning too.

There's a temptation to gloss over the differences and just say "use 
raster as a column type the same way you'd use a geometry type". That 
won't work, as the differences are subtle but important. 

The crux of the article/tutorial/thingy is "what is the meaning of a table 
when it has these column types?" "what does a row represent?" etc.

Check it out and edit it to your heart's content.


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