[postgis-users] Shapefiles exported from PostGIS and ESRI ArcView 9 compatibility

Paragon Corporation lr at pcorp.us
Mon Jul 25 19:52:35 PDT 2011


Is your pgsql2shp not exporting .prj files?  It should be if you are
exporting an sql query or table/view with a known srid and all records have
the same srid. It should be doing this from version PostGIS 1.3.6 on.  I
wrote that logic because I had similar issues with users using ArcMap not
being able to overlay the exports with their other data layers.


-----Original Message-----
From: postgis-users-bounces at postgis.refractions.net
[mailto:postgis-users-bounces at postgis.refractions.net] On Behalf Of Stephen
Sent: Monday, July 25, 2011 9:17 PM
To: postgis-users at postgis.refractions.net
Subject: Re: [postgis-users] Shapefiles exported from PostGIS and ESRI
ArcView 9 compatibility

On 7/21/2011 3:23 AM, Ben Madin wrote:
> G'dat all,
> We have a client (potential client) who wants some mapping done and
> the maps returned in shapefile format. In the contract they insist on
> specifying that the shapefiles are compatible with "ESRI's ArcView
> version 9" (their words, not mine).
> I don't have "ESRI's ArcView version 9", and don't intend on spending
> that sort of money (more than the contract is worth). However, I'm
> sure that if what we send back doesn't open in "ESRI's ArcView
> version 9" it will become our problem.
> Does anyone have any reason to suspect that a shapefile created using
> valid OGC geometry in PostGIS and exported using pgsql2shp would not
> or might not work on "ESRI's ArcView version 9"?
> Are there any issues that someone who is across platforms can help me
> with?
> (I routinely use shapefiles created using valid OGC geometry in
> PostGIS and exported using pgsql2shp in QGIS and MapServer and send
> them to other people, so I have no reason to be concerned except that
> the client insists on this line remaining the contract!)

Hi Ben,

I use ArcGIS Explorer and it will not open shapefiles that do not have 
.prj file. What I do in this case if to just write a script that 
generates that appropriate .prj that I need. The other option that might 
be work better for you is to use ogr2ogr to export the postgis table 
into a shapefile as I believe that will write the .prj file appropriately.

-Steve W
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