[postgis-users] st_transform crashes

Bryan Hempen bryanhempen at gmx.de
Sat Jul 30 15:16:48 PDT 2011

@Leo and Regina:

"POSTGIS="2.0.0SVN" GEOS="3.3.1dev-CAPI-1.7.1" PROJ="Rel. 4.6.1, 21 August 2008" LIBXML="2.7.8" USE_STATS"

"PostgreSQL 8.4.8, compiled by Visual C++ build 1400, 32-bit"

I am using Windows XP.

@Josh Jordan:

I had some invalid geometries in the table but fixed them now. 

   select count(*) from alldata where ST_IsValid(the_geom) = 'f';

returns 0. However, the database still crashes.

Thanks for the input so far. Any other ideas?

Kind regards,

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