[postgis-users] issue with ST_Union on a large dataset

adrian.kitchingman at dse.vic.gov.au adrian.kitchingman at dse.vic.gov.au
Sun Jul 31 21:34:40 PDT 2011

Hi All

I'm having an issue with ST_Union on a large dataset. I have a LINESTRING 
layer which I want to union. The layer has been validated using ST_IsValid 
with no invalid geometries found. The LINESTRING layer is formed from a 
large MULTIPOLYGON layer which is also validated. The St_Union function 
works alright when operating on subsets of the data but throws a 
nondescript error (ERROR:  GEOS union() threw an error!) when run on the 
whole dataset. Are there known issues with ST_Union running on large 
datasets (~17000 geometries)? The SQL is below. I'm suspecting a memory 
issue but can't be sure. The same error has also occurred on our 64-bit 
Linux machine.

I've tried a number of work-arounds with no success. Firstly I tried 
breaking the process up so only spatially intersecting geometries were 
unioned and, secondly I've tweaked the processing memory variables for 
postgres. My current settings are below.

--works fine
SELECT gid, st_boundary(geom) as geom
FROM (SELECT gid, (st_dump(geom)).geom as geom FROM featuresubset01) as 
GROUP BY gid, geom;

--throws and error when run on whole dataset
SELECT St_Union(geom) AS geom
FROM all_lines;

Postgres Memory Settings:
shared_buffers = 150MB
temp_buffers = 25MB
work_mem = 5MB
maintenance_work_mem = 16MB



Environ Specs:
Postgres 8.4.8
PostGIS 1.5.3
Windows XP 32-bit SP3
3.25GB RAM
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