[postgis-users] Gdal translate Error checking geometry type existence problem

Paragon Corporation lr at pcorp.us
Fri Jun 3 16:49:56 PDT 2011

I see your table is mixed casing in you statement.  Is your table mixed case
in PostgreSQL.  Not sure if gdal_translate takes your casing literally or
I would suggest making sure all your tables are lower case in the database
and lower case in your gdal_translate as well just to make sure.


From: postgis-users-bounces at postgis.refractions.net
[mailto:postgis-users-bounces at postgis.refractions.net] On Behalf Of Virginia
Sent: Friday, June 03, 2011 1:49 PM
To: PostGIS Users Discussion
Subject: Re: [postgis-users] Gdal translate Error checking geometry type
existence problem

Hi, thanks for the response. 
In the gdal directory y executed this line:

C:\Archivos de programa\GDAL>gdal_translate PG:"dbname=template_postgis20
user=postgres table=HumedadDeExtincion mode=2" your_file.tif

Does it have something wrong?

2011/6/3 Jorge Arévalo <jorge.arevalo at deimos-space.com>

Hi Virginia,

This is a GDAL driver's issue, not PostGIS Raster one. Did you use a
where clause with unescaped single quotes in your connection string?
This is a common error. Anyway, could you send me the gdal_translate
line that caused the error?

As Pierre said, it isn't a good idea to use template_postgis20 to
store data. Create a new database using the templated instead:

createdb -T template_postgis20 -U <your_user> -W testing_db

Best regards,

On Fri, Jun 3, 2011 at 1:24 PM, Pierre Racine
<Pierre.Racine at sbf.ulaval.ca> wrote:
> Did you load/execute rtpostgis.sql in the database?
> Also, I think this is not good practice to use your template database
> (template_postgis20) to store data.
> Pierre
> From: postgis-users-bounces at postgis.refractions.net
> [mailto:postgis-users-bounces at postgis.refractions.net] On Behalf Of
> Maffei
> Sent: Thursday, June 02, 2011 8:22 PM
> To: PostGIS Users Discussion
> Subject: [postgis-users] Gdal translate Error checking geometry type
> existence problem
> Hi, i loaded a tif with raster2pgsql into the database and now i'm trying
> get from that table a tif with gdal_translate.
> But this error appears:
> C:\Archivos de programa\GDAL>gdal_translate PG:"dbname=template_postgis20
> user=postgres table=HumedadDeExtincion mode=2" your_file.tif
> ERROR 1: Error checking geometry type existence. Is PostGIS correctly
>       installed?: no connection to the server
> GDALOpen failed - 1
> Error checking geometry type existence. Is PostGIS correctly installed?:
> connection to the server
> I installed in windows the postgis raster with gdal, python, etc.
> Could you please help me with this problem?
> Thanks!
> Virginia

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Jorge Arévalo
Internet & Mobilty Division, DEIMOS
jorge.arevalo at deimos-space.com
postgis-users mailing list
postgis-users at postgis.refractions.net

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