[postgis-users] Noob request - using ST_SimplifyPreserveTopology() on Tiger Data

Sandro Santilli strk at keybit.net
Tue Jun 28 14:32:46 PDT 2011

On Tue, Jun 28, 2011 at 05:19:31PM -0400, Christian Guirreri wrote:
> I'm actually quite the flash wizard myself and have also looked through
> their code extensively.

Does it mean the source code is publically accessible ?

> There's a PHP backend driving things via Flash
> remoting and its actually described in some detail here, written by the
> authors:
> http://www.cartogis.org/docs/proceedings/2006/bloch_harrower.pdf

The paper describes the process as following the first 
proceeding I suggested in my previous mails: building a topology first.

Do you have a link to source code of the backend too ?


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