[postgis-users] Trouble with shp2pgsql-gui?
mark.wimer at gmail.com
Wed Oct 5 06:09:08 PDT 2011
John - SET CLIENT.... is the beginning of a larger SQL statement. The
error says the SQL statement failed, "...sql begins:"
and then later down the error dump indicates a connectivity issue -
which you later identified as the probable cause.
So it is not saying the encoding is the failure, just that that was
first line in SQL block submitted to pg server.
2011/10/5 John Brisbin <boabinteractive at gmail.com>:
> Thanks for the reply, Barend. I'm not sure what you mean though. Since we're
> using the gui, I've already given the path because that's how we chose a
> shape file to upload. I know of no other way to specify the path for the
> shape file source.
> Later today we managed to finally get the file to upload: I suspect the
> issue was spotty connectivity with the server, though I'm still mystfied
> about the UTF8 encoding failure:
> Kind regards,
> JB
> John Brisbin
> Managing Director, BoaB interactive Pty Ltd
> POB 802 Townsville, QLD 4810
> M: 0407 471 565 | P: 07 3103 0574
> Skype: boabjohn | Twitter: @boabjohn
> On 5/10/2011 6:57 PM, Barend Köbben wrote:
>> He solution might be simply that somewhere further in the SQL it tries to
>> find your shape-file and fails. What is the path you provided for the
>> shape-file...?
>> Barend
>> On 05-10-11 04:05, "John Brisbin"<boabinteractive at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> G'Day all,
>>> We're in the early stages of familiarising ourselves with the basic
>>> management tools and procedures, so apologies in advance if this is well
>>> documented (somewhere?).
>>> We're running in a Debian (lenny) environment, using pgAdmin3 (1.14.0),
>>> and have manually installed the shp2pgsql-gui (2.0).
>>> In attempting to upload a well-formed ESRI shapefile with GCS_WGS_1984
>>> projection, we get the following messages in the uploader gui:
>>> Shapefile type: Polygon
>>> PostGIS type: MULTIPOLYGON[2]
>>> Failed SQL begins: "SET CLIENT_ENCODING TO UTF8;
>>> BEGIN;
>>> CREATE TABLE "public"."ro310_socio-econ" (gid serial,
>>> "idnum" int2,
>>> "fid_" varchar(254),
>>> "aus_" numeric,
>>> "aus_id" numeric,
>>> "f_code" varchar(254),
>>> "bname" varchar(254),
>>> "bnum" varc"
>>> Failed in pgui_exec(): could not receive data from server: The system
>>> cannot find the path specified.
>>> (0x00000003/3)
>>> Shapefile import failed.
>>> <<<
>>> It looks like there is a problem with the encoding (why?) and then later
>>> on there is a problem with the connection to the database (is that
>>> right?)
>>> Looking for any guidance: much appreciated!
>>> Kind regards,
>>> JB
>>> --
>>> John Brisbin
>>> Managing Director, BoaB interactive Pty Ltd
>>> POB 802 Townsville, QLD 4810
>>> M: 0407 471 565 | P: 07 3103 0574
>>> Skype: boabjohn | Twitter: @boabjohn
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