[postgis-users] Memory Bug in PostGIS Query

Torsten Mohr tmohr at s.netic.de
Tue Oct 25 18:09:44 PDT 2011


i also got an "out of memory" error using PostGis (through Mapnik).
I get the error when creating a 6000 x 8000 map of Germany
with a script that worked with previous versions of PostGIS / planet_osm_*:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./generate_image.py", line 91, in <module>
    render(m, im)
RuntimeError: PSQL error:
out of memory for query result
Full sql was: 'SELECT AsBinary("way") AS 
from (select * from planet_osm_polygon order by z_order,way_area desc) as 
leisure WHERE "way" && SetSRID('BOX3D(503843.2677405493 
5749599.546361594,1833866.038918196 7522963.241265123)'::box3d, 900913)'

Could this problem be related to the problem of the original poster?

I don't understand how a bad geometry record could get into the database.
I imported planet_osm_110928.tar.bz2, could it be related to that version?

Would it be likely that a new import of another planet_osm_* fixes the 
problem?  I would like to get around that, the last import took 11 days.

If not, how could i search the bad record in my database?

Best regards,

Am Sonntag, 23. Oktober 2011, 21:35:04 schrieb maplabs at light42.com:
> Hi -
>   a couple of things.. it is the library GEOS that is crashing, ( part of
> PostGIS )
> Is your geometry clean?  consistant ?  what is the assurance level on that?
> --
>  Next is that you have a huge, powerful computer but you are using only a
> fraction of the RAM Try reducing the Max Connections (if you are the
> primary user) to 60 from 100 then this (for example)
> # - Memory -
> shared_buffers = 2000MB                 # min 128kB
>                                         # (change requires restart)
> temp_buffers = 64MB                     # min 800kB
> work_mem = 256MB                                # min 64kB
> maintenance_work_mem = 256MB            # min 1MB
> --
>   Next, upgrade your PostGIS and GEOS !!
> PostGIS 1.5.x  and GEOS 3.3 I believe are current
>   hth
>     -Brian
> ==
> Brian Hamlin
> GeoCal
> OSGeo California Chapter
> 415-717-4462 cell
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