[postgis-users] summarizing a polygon values in a raster
Pierre Racine
Pierre.Racine at sbf.ulaval.ca
Wed Apr 4 07:31:46 PDT 2012
> I would like to create a raster of an area-weighted average value derived from a
> polygon layer. The raster template is a 2km grid and the polygon layer is also a
> grid but at 10km. If some one could recommend a (high level) strategy for this if
> be grateful.
1) Create a vector grid having a x and a y like this:
SELECT (gvxy).geom geom, (gvxy).x x, (gvxy).y y
FROM (SELECT ST_PixelsAsPolygons(rast) gvxy
FROM (SELECT ST_MakeEmptyRaster(your own parameters here covering your polygon extent)) foo1) foo2
2) Make sure your polygon layer is indexed
CREATE INDEX yourpolylayer_geom_idx ON yourpolylayer USING gist (geom );
3) Intersect mygrid with your polygon layer and generate summary stats at the same time:
CREATE TABLE weightedvectorgrid AS
SELECT g.x, g.y, g.geom, (aws).weightedmean mean
FROM (SELECT ST_AreaWeightedSummaryStats(intgeom, p.value) aws, g.x, g.y, g.geom
FROM (SELECT ST_Intersection(g.geom, p.geom) intgeom, p.value, g.x, g.y, g.geom
FROM yourgrid g, yourpolylayer p
WHERE ST_Intersects(g.geom, p.geom)
) foo
GROUP BY g.x, g.y, g.geom
) foo2
The ST_AreaWeightedSummaryStats() function is not part of the PostGIS release but is available as part of the source tree:
4) Union all the geometry as a raster (this one might be a bit slow depending on the size of your grid)
CREATE TABLE weightedrastergrid AS
SELECT ST_Union(ST_AsRaster(geom, 'MEAN')) rast
FROM weightedvectorgrid
I wrote all these without testing so you might have some adjustment to do.
Let me know about your progress...
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