[postgis-users] navigation tracks (x,zy) h

Bob Basques Bob.Basques at ci.stpaul.mn.us
Wed Apr 4 15:01:20 PDT 2012

If the aim is to actually smooth lines, this was posted recently to the list: 


it uses R to accomplish the task.  The links at the bottom are still active as well for the sample output that was created. 


>>> Stephen Woodbridge <woodbri at swoodbridge.com> wrote:

On 4/4/2012 5:21 PM, Gery . wrote:
> Hello, has someone smoothed naviation tracks (x,y) in postgis?? thanxs.

I'm sorry, but this question does not have enough detail to understand
what you want to do.

o convert point to lines?
o smooth how? moving average?
o why do you think you need to smooth your tracks?
o are you asking about map matching your tracks to a road network?

I just guessing here, so give a little more details.

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