[postgis-users] Incorrect geometry_columns?

Paolo Cavallini cavallini at faunalia.it
Mon Dec 10 03:47:50 PST 2012

Il 09/12/2012 16:21, Francois Hugues ha scritto:
> As I can see in the view definition, srid comes from postgis constraint : COALESCE(NULLIF(postgis_typmod_srid(a.atttypmod), 0), postgis_constraint_srid(n.nspname::text, c.relname::text, a.attname::text), 0) AS srid, 
> Did you have / did you try to add this kind of constraint on your table :
> CONSTRAINT enforce_srid_geom CHECK (st_srid(geom) = 3003) ?

Hi all.
More info: the lack of SRID and geometry type in the geometry_columns happens only
for the tables created by PostGIS functions (e.g. st_union, st_convexhull, etc.).
Is this a known issue?
All the best.
Paolo Cavallini - Faunalia
Full contact details at www.faunalia.eu/pc
Nuovi corsi QGIS e PostGIS: http://www.faunalia.it/calendario

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