[postgis-users] Postgis topology issue

francescoboccacci at libero.it francescoboccacci at libero.it
Thu Feb 9 08:01:15 PST 2012

Hi all,
i'm "playing" with Postgis 2.0 Topology function and i like it.. but i receive 
this error:

********** Error **********

ERROR: SQL/MM Spatial exception - point not on edge
SQL state: P0001
Context: PL/pgSQL function "topogeo_addpoint" line 66 at assignment
PL/pgSQL function "topogeo_addlinestring" line 111 at assignment
SQL statement "SELECT array_cat(edges, array_agg(x)) FROM ( select topology.
TopoGeo_addLinestring(atopology, rec.geom, tolerance) as x ) as foo"
PL/pgSQL function "topogeo_addpolygon" line 23 at assignment
SQL statement "INSERT INTO sample1.relation(topogeo_id, layer_id, 
element_type, element_id) SELECT 5, 1, 3, topogeo_addPolygon('sample1', 
geometry, 0);"
PL/pgSQL function "totopogeom" line 125 at EXECUTE statement

these are my query that are "copy and paste " from 


--Create new togology ---
SELECT CreateTopology('sample1');

--Add topoGeomColumn---
SELECT AddTopoGeometryColumn('sample1',
                              'public', 'small_polygon', 'topogeom',

UPDATE small_polygon SET topogeom = toTopoGeom(the_geom, 'sample1',1);

Do you have any suggestion? maybe i used a a wrong geometry..



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