[postgis-users] PostGIS Types Across Schemas

Ralf Suhr Ralf.Suhr at itc-halle.de
Fri Feb 17 01:53:42 PST 2012

Hi Steve,

you only need to enable postgis for public schema. In every other schema the 
geography typ will be used as public.geography.


On Donnerstag 16 Februar 2012 18:03:16 Steve Horn wrote:
> We are preparing our data for production, and have a few import procedures
> to do so. To keep the database organized, we are creating 2 schemas:
> "public", and "import".
> CREATE TABLE import.geo_shapes
> (
>   geo_shape_id serial NOT NULL,
>   geocode character varying(9),
>   geography import.geography(MultiPolygon,4326),
>   geo_type integer,
>   CONSTRAINT geo_shapes_geo_shape_id_pk PRIMARY KEY (geo_shape_id )
> )
> When the import.geo_shapes table is finished being loaded, I ALTER the
> table's schema and change it to "public" so it becomes usable to the
> application.
> The problem I'm having is the geography column is still tied to the
> "import" namespace, even though the table's schema is "public".
> To work around the problem I'm creating a new column on geo_shapes as
> "public.geography" and then using this UPDATE to get it to the correct
> type:
> ALTER TABLE geo_shapes
> RENAME COLUMN geography TO geography_temp;
> ALTER TABLE geo_shapes
> ADD COLUMN geography geography(MultiPolygon,4326);
> UPDATE geo_shapes
> SET geography = public.ST_GeogFromWKB(import.ST_AsBinary(geography_temp))
> ALTER TABLE geo_shapes
> DROP COLUMN geography_temp;
> Is there a better way to do this? Seems like the ideal thing would be to
> have the types defined at the database level, but doesn't seem like that is
> possible.
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