[postgis-users] Rasteroutput of a complex query to a file

Andreas Neumann a.neumann at carto.net
Fri Jan 20 06:45:58 PST 2012


 I see that there are functions for raster output like 
 ST_AsGdalRaster(), ST_AsTiff(), ST_AsJPEG(), etc.
 How can I export this to a valid rasterfile? Do I need to write my own 
 script or is there a trick with psql?

 Here is my query:

 SELECT ST_AsTiff(ST_Clip(
   (SELECT ST_Union(
     ST_Intersection(dtm.rast, ST_BUFFER(lieg.the_geom,-0.5))) AS raster 
 FROM dtm.dtmav2002 dtm, av_user.liegenschaften lieg WHERE 
 lieg.gru_nummer = 'B7294' AND ST_Intersects(dtm.rast, lieg.the_geom)),
 (SELECT the_geom FROM av_user.liegenschaften WHERE gru_nummer = 
 'B7294'),true)) AS clipped_raster;

 How can I output this to a tiff-file in the filesystem? I tried with

 psql -d uster -U an -t -c "query as above" >test.tif

 but when I open test.tif it tells me that there is no valid 

 Any idea how can export the result of my query?


 Andreas Neumann
 Böschacherstrasse 10A
 8624 Grüt (Gossau ZH)

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