[postgis-users] Returning lengths of common boundaries

Dheeraj Chand dheeraj at dheerajchand.com
Sat Jul 7 10:35:32 PDT 2012


I have a shapefile of state senate districts in Texas.  We've built two sets of precinct level boundaries, using different methods, which we can call A and B.  Furthermore, I have a membership list that has long/lat for each member.  Here's what I'd really like to do: I want to see if the pairwise error rate is proportional to the shared boundary length. 

How would I go about writing the queries to do this?  Let's assume that the tables in question are:

public.t_ssd, public.t_precinct_a and public.t_precinct_b, public.t_membership_list

I've copied a buddy of mine on the email who's also interested in the result, so please do include him when you reply!



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