[postgis-users] CityGML in PostGIS - 3D City Database released

Felix Kunde felix-kunde at gmx.de
Tue Jul 17 05:47:59 PDT 2012

Hello PostGIS - Community

for everybody who is interested in storing 3D city models 
based on the OGC standard CityGML in an DBMS, I would like
to annouce the release of the 3D City Database for PostGIS.

Further information, software downloads and the 
source code repository can be found at:

or on the official homepage of the 3D City Database http://www.3dcitydb.net (will be updated soon). 

The relational schema and a tool to import and export 
CityGML documents were developed by the Institute for
Geodesy and Geoinformation Science (IGG) at the 
Technische Universität Berlin for the last five years. 
It is free software under the GNU Lesser General Public 
License Version 3.0.

Until now it could only be used on an Oracle Spatial DBMS. 
Last fall I came to the developers asking if I could write
my Master's thesis about the possibilities to port their
open source software to the open source DBMS PostGIS. 

Well, it was possible and now I'm really curious about 
some reactions of interested users. I'm still "relatively"
new to spatial database so I can't say if I have programmed
the scripts and java-code in the best way. At least comparing
performance tests to the Oracle version looked very good ;)

I would also like to thank the developers of PostGIS. 
Your hard work on PostGIS 2.0 made this all possible. 
I'm looking forward to the next releases, especially 
the 3D stuff.

Have a nice day!


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