[postgis-users] Export from schema with pgsql2shp broken for Windows 64?

Pierre Racine Pierre.Racine at sbf.ulaval.ca
Wed Jul 18 12:07:25 PDT 2012


Would it be possible that exporting a geometry table to a shapefile with pgsql2shp from a schema different then "public" does not work for the Windows 64 version of PostGIS 2.0?

It works fine on my other Windows 32 bit installation.

I could not find anything on this on the web or in trac about this problem.

Here is my command and the output:

>pgsql2shp -f "c:/temp/targetfile2.shp" -g geom -u "postgres" -P "secret" "foundry03" "ovlp.bug03"
" bug03"
Table bug03 does not exist


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