[postgis-users] Storing image file metadata in PostGIS
Paul Ramsey
pramsey at opengeo.org
Sun May 6 02:29:12 PDT 2012
PostGIS has little or nothing to say about reading image metadata, but
you'll find that you can get a long way by wrapping a bit of scripting
around the output of 'gdalinfo' <http://gdal.orgl> or just using the
gdal python bindings directly to read the metadata.
Once you have extracted footprints, resolutions, and so on using GDAL,
I'd suggest storing them as polygons in a 'geography' column in
PostGIS. That will provide nice global indexing, no problems with
datelines or poles, and a simple query model.
On Sat, May 5, 2012 at 9:31 PM, Billy Newman <newmanw10 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello all,
> I am currently using a pain old Oracle (not Oracle Spatial) database to
> store metadata for a huge amount of imagery data. I store this metadata for
> file discovery purposes. I.E. when a request is made for imagery I can
> quickly hit the DB to get all overlapping image files. I can then grab
> those off the file system and serve them out.
> I am using imageio-ext (Java) that sits on top of gdal to pull the imagery's
> metadata. Then just sending that to the DB.
> I am probably doing this the hard way and wondering if PostGIS can help
> simplify things.
> I am wondering if PostGIS has support to store metadata for images, and what
> that support really gives me. Currently I am serving out images in only
> EPSG:4326 so I want to do any transformations (if the image is not in
> EPSG:4326) to the metadata before storing it in the database.
> Can PostGIS read an image file and extract the metadata, transform the
> metadata into an EPSG:4326 lat/lon bounding box and store it?
> This is my current data model in Oracle if that helps:
> DataSource (this contains general info about this group of image files)
> ImageFile ( each data source has 0 - N image files)
> double minLat
> double maxLat
> double minLon
> double maxLon
> Its as simple as that. Although I am doing quite a bit of work using
> imageio-ext, and gdal to try and extract, transform, and store the
> metadata. Is this less complex in PostGIS or essentially the same?
> Thanks!
> Billy
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