[postgis-users] Problems installing on Linux

James David Smith james.david.smith at gmail.com
Mon Aug 5 10:15:13 PDT 2013

Hi there,

I'm trying to make and compile PostGIS 2.0 with PostgreSQL 9.0. My
verrsion of PostgreSQL is:

 PostgreSQL 9.0.4 on x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu, compiled by GCC gcc
(GCC) 4.1.2 20080704 (Red Hat 4.1.2-48), 64-bit

A work colleague and I havee been following the steps here:


However when we try to do this command it fails:

psql -d james_test -f /usr/pgsql-9.0/share/contrib/postgis-2.0/postgis.sql

The messages we get are all similar to this:

psql:/usr/pgsql-9.0/share/contrib/postgis-2.0/postgis.sql:4783: ERROR:
 current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of
transaction block

Could the problem be that Postgis 1.5 is still installed/present? I
ask, as if I run the following command itseems to work fine:

psql -d james_test -f /usr/pgsql-9.0/share/contrib/postgis-1,5/postgis.sql

Any ideas? By the way, I appreciate that the ideal solution might be
to upgrade PostgreSQL to 9.1 but having got this far I'd like to try
and 'finish' this if possible.



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