[postgis-users] Problems installing on Linux

Wilkins, Brian bwilkins at harris.com
Tue Aug 6 11:07:45 PDT 2013

Also, I had to modify the postgis.sql to point to the proper location of my postgis install, so I executed:

$ sed -i "s/\$libdir/\/opt\/postgis\/lib64\/pgsql/g" postgis.sql

It didn't know what $libdir was so I had to tell it.

From: Wilkins, Brian
Sent: Tuesday, August 06, 2013 2:05 PM
To: 'PostGIS Users Discussion'
Subject: RE: [postgis-users] Problems installing on Linux

Essentially, yes. See here: http://postgis.net/docs/postgis_installation.html#hard_upgrade

I am not completely clear on your upgrade path, but this is how I did a recent upgrade:

1.      Untarred postgis

2.      Ran configure with --with-geoconfig and --with-projdir set

3.      Moved the old postgis install to new name

4.      Make postgis

5.      Make install DESTDIR=/opt/postgis

6.      Changed ownership of my postgis build directory and share/pgsql directory to postgres:users

7.      Modified the postgis-version/utils/postgis_restore.pl to remove the portion where the database is created

8.      Backed up my existing database

a.      pg_dumpall -h localhost -p 5432 -U <username> -globals-only > globals.sql

b.      pg_dump -d -Fc <database name> > /tmp/<dumpname>.dmp

c.      pg_dump <database name> -t <special table you want to dump - this is optional> > /tmp/<table>.sql (optional - used for testing upon restore)

9.      Login as postgres user

10.   $ psql

11.   postgres=# drop database <database name>;


13.   postgres=# \q

14.   $ psql -U postgres -d postgres -f globals.sql (may not be needed but I did it anyways because I upgraded the DB too)

15.   $ createdb -U <username>

16.   $ createdb -U <username> database

17.   $ createlang -U postgres plpgsql -d database

18.   $ psql -U postgres -f postgis.sql -d database

19.   $ psql -U postgres -f spatial_ref_sys.sql -d database

20.   $ sh share/pgsql/contrib/utils/postgis_restore.pl <upgrade sql script under contrib> <database name> <dump file name> &> restore.log

21.   Finally after examing for any errors:

22.   psql -c 'select postgis_full_version();' -d <database name>

23.   And finally, run some tests. For instance, I had a non-postgis table that I dumped again and diff'd with my original dump. Or you can execute an ST_Extent on a geolocation.. up to you

From: postgis-users-bounces at lists.osgeo.org<mailto:postgis-users-bounces at lists.osgeo.org> [mailto:postgis-users-bounces at lists.osgeo.org] On Behalf Of James David Smith
Sent: Tuesday, August 06, 2013 1:44 PM
To: PostGIS Users Discussion
Subject: Re: [postgis-users] Problems installing on Linux

Sorry Brian, but I'm not sure what that means. There are a few scripts in the postgis 2 contrib directory. Do I just run them like I've been running the above commands e.g. psql -d yourdatabase -f postgis.sql
On 6 Aug 2013 18:08, "Wilkins, Brian" <bwilkins at harris.com<mailto:bwilkins at harris.com>> wrote:
I am coming in a little late, but when I did an upgrade, I had to run my dump through one of the postgis update scripts in the contrib directory. Did you do that?


-----Original Message-----
From: postgis-users-bounces at lists.osgeo.org<mailto:postgis-users-bounces at lists.osgeo.org> [mailto:postgis-users-bounces at lists.osgeo.org<mailto:postgis-users-bounces at lists.osgeo.org>] On Behalf Of James David Smith
Sent: Tuesday, August 06, 2013 12:54 PM
To: PostGIS Users Discussion
Subject: Re: [postgis-users] Problems installing on Linux

On 6 August 2013 15:38, Rémi Cura <remi.cura at gmail.com<mailto:remi.cura at gmail.com>> wrote:
> Hello,
> I had trouble with geos.
> Strangely, I had to turn postgres down, then make clean in geos, then
> build and install, then clean postgis, then build and install, then
> restart postgres.
> I had error if not stopping my (local) server, and if not cleaning
> geos and postgis before building
> Cheers,
> Rémi-C
> 2013/8/6 Mike Toews <mwtoews at gmail.com<mailto:mwtoews at gmail.com>>
>> On 6 August 2013 22:49, James David Smith
>> <james.david.smith at gmail.com<mailto:james.david.smith at gmail.com>>
>> wrote:
>> >
>> > Hi Mike,
>> >
>> > Thanks for the reply. I thought that I had the latest version of
>> > GEOS, so I just did 'locate geos' and it found quite a few files.
>> > They seem to be grouped into the below folders:
>> >
>> > /depot/shared/geos-3.0.3/
>> > /depot/shared/geos-3.3.5/
>> > /opt/geos-3.3.8/include/geos/
>> > /depot/shared/pgrouting/geos-3.0.0/
>> > /depot/shared/pgrouting/geos-3.3.5/
>> > /opt/Geos/
>> >
>> > I guess that this is causing the problem.
>> >
>> > Though when I do the "./configure" command for PostGIS I have been
>> > pointing the it towards:
>> >
>> > /opt/geos-3.3.8/bin/geos-config
>> >
>> > Which should make it use the latest version of GEOS no?
>> >
>> > Sorry for not being very technical, I'm slowly getting the hang of
>> > linux...
>> >
>> > Thanks
>> >
>> > James
>> Technical is always good here. Sometimes it is necessary to update
>> the shared library cache by running "ldconfig" after various "make
>> install" commands. It might need to be run as root (or with sudo, if
>> you have that).
>> Also, sometimes, it could be also necessary to either add the LIBDIR
>> to /etc/ld.so.conf, or add a .conf file in /etc/ld.so.conf.d/, or to
>> fiddle around with the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable to point
>> to the directory with the current versions of .so shared libraries
>> After any changes with these, run "ldconfig" to update the system
>> cache. Yet another good tool is "ldd" to see which libraries are
>> being loaded. For example:
>> $ ldd /usr/pgsql-9.0/lib/postgis-2.0.so<http://postgis-2.0.so>
>> should show you which other .so objects are being referenced.
>> -Mike
>> _______________________________________________

Hi Mike/Remy/all,

Thanks for your help. I'm making progress. Please see below. My install is now using geos-3.3.8. Or seems to be.

ldd /usr/pgsql-9.0/lib/postgis-2.0.so<http://postgis-2.0.so>

        linux-vdso.so.1 =>  (0x00007fff735fc000)
        libgeos_c.so.1 => /opt/Geos/lib/libgeos_c.so.1 (0x00002b4411d4d000)
        libproj.so.0 => /opt/Proj/lib/libproj.so.0 (0x00002b4411f74000)
        libjson.so.0 => /opt/json/lib/libjson.so.0 (0x00002b44121ca000)
        libxml2.so.2 => /opt/LibXml/lib/libxml2.so.2 (0x00002b44123cb000)
        libz.so.1 => /usr/lib64/libz.so.1 (0x00002b441270e000)
        libm.so.6 => /lib64/libm.so.6 (0x00002b4412922000)
        libc.so.6 => /lib64/libc.so.6 (0x00002b4412ba5000)
        libgeos-3.3.8.so<http://libgeos-3.3.8.so> => /opt/Geos/lib/libgeos-3.3.8.so<http://libgeos-3.3.8.so>
        libstdc++.so.6 => /usr/lib64/libstdc++.so.6 (0x00002b44132ab000)
        libgcc_s.so.1 => /lib64/libgcc_s.so.1 (0x00002b44135ab000)
        libjson-c.so.2 => /opt/json/lib/libjson-c.so.2 (0x00002b44137ba000)
        libdl.so.2 => /lib64/libdl.so.2 (0x00002b44139c3000)
        /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2 (0x0000003f53000000)

The following commands now seem to work:

psql -d yourdatabase -f postgis.sql
psql -d yourdatabase -f postgis_comments.sql psql -d yourdatabase -f spatial_ref_sys.sql

And when I go into my database and do SELECT postgis_full_version I get the following:

POSTGIS="2.0.4SVN r11660" GEOS="3.3.8-CAPI-1.7.8" PROJ="Rel. 4.6.1, 21 August 2008" LIBXML="2.7.6" LIBJSON="UNKNOWN" TOPOLOGY

However it says that Topology and Raster support are not present. So I thought that I could now run the following commands to install those

psql -d yourdatabase -f rtpostgis.sql
psql -d yourdatabase -f raster_comments.sql psql -d yourdatabase -f topology/topology.sql psql -d yourdatabase -f doc/topology_comments.sql

However when I run them I get an error. The first line is:

psql:/usr/pgsql-9.0/share/contrib/postgis-2.0/rtpostgis.sql:48: ERROR:
 could not load library "/usr/pgsql-9.0/lib/rtpostgis-2.0.so<http://rtpostgis-2.0.so>":
libgeos-3.2.0.so<http://libgeos-3.2.0.so>: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Any idea why there is still mention of libgeos-3.2.0  ?  I thought I'd sorted that out now?


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