[postgis-users] help with the Union of 2 shp

J.Alejandro Martinez Linares islanis at infomed.sld.cu
Mon Dec 9 08:03:53 PST 2013

Hi People, i need your help, let say that i have 2 shapefiles

1-the first shapefile
|                 |
|                 |
|         1       |     shp=B
|                 |
|                 |

One big country, this is a multipolygon shape

2-and the second shapefile
|     2  |  2     |
|     2  |  2     |     shp=B
|     2  |  2     |
The same country, but this time in little pieces, the states, this is a 
multipolygon shape too

and i want join the 2 shapes in only one shapefile getting something 
like this

|    1,2 |   1,2  |
|    1,2 |   1,2  |     shp=A and B
|    1,2 |   1,2  |

i think that this is posible, please help me to get somthing like this i 
need it.


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