[postgis-users] PostGIS ST_MapAlgebra Assistance

Jason Coombs jcoombs at cns.umass.edu
Mon Dec 16 06:21:53 PST 2013

Good Morning, 
I would like to perform the equivalent of the below ArcGIS raster calculator
equation in PostGIS using the ST_MapAlgebra function and return it as a tif
using ST_AsTIFF. 

Con(("Sol_gain_clipped.tif" >= 1491)  &  ("can_cov_01.tif" <= 70)  &
("imp_sur_10_French_Creek.tif" <= 10),1,0) 

The equation uses three single band rasters with pixel value specifications
for each one, and returns a single band raster with values of 1 for pixels
meeting all three requirements, and 0 for pixels that do not. Any help in
how to write the SQL, including PL/pgSQL, would be greatly appreciated. 

Best, Jason


Jason A. Coombs

Department of Environmental Conservation/US Forest Service

201 Holdsworth Hall

University of Massachusetts

Amherst, MA 01003




Phone: 413-545-1845

Fax: 413-545-1860

Email:  <mailto:jcoombs at cns.umass.edu> jcoombs at cns.umass.edu


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