[postgis-users] POSTGIS 2.0 Test if a Geometry Exists

Stefano Iacovella stefano.iacovella at gmail.com
Mon Feb 18 02:19:41 PST 2013

Hi Christophe,

I would add a search for features at least intersecting with your candidate
geometry, to avoid testing for equality on all records.

Kind Regards,

Il giorno 18/feb/2013 10:46, "Christophe Vergon" <
christophevergon-girtec at orange.fr> ha scritto:

> Hi,
> I want to test if a Geometry is already exists in a table, what is the
> faster Solution ?
> I think to use this :
> SELECT the_geom FROM schemaname.mytable WHERE ST_Equals(the_geom,
> geomtoadd);
> When it returns 0 rows the geometry does not exist, but with a big table
> it will be slow ?
> Is there a way do it faster ? (a sort of insert into if not exists ) ?
> Thanks in advance.
> Christophe
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