[postgis-users] UPDATE a value using trigger and ST_Contains

islanis at infomed.sld.cu islanis at infomed.sld.cu
Thu Feb 21 16:37:20 PST 2013

Hello list, i have a doubt, i have 2 tables
t1 and t2
and t1 has many t2, that's the constraint, but i need a trigger that  
update the value of the FK on the t2 table
cause i need to put the t1.gid on t2.munic_id automaticly when i  
update and insert, and i make this:


IF ST_Contains(t1.the_geom,ST_Centroid(NEW.the_geom)) = TRUE THEN
	NEW."munic_id" = t1.gid;



and i get this error

ERROR: falta una entrada para la tabla <<t1>> en la clausula FROM

please what it means??, i need help

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